Старый юзер
Король флуда
- Дней с нами
- 2.100
- Розыгрыши
- 1
- Сообщения
- 579
- Репутация
- 17
- Реакции
- 566
кто силен в английском помогите, не очень понимаю че хотят, че за скобку они имеют ввиду?
это прислал клубричес в ответ на мою банк выиписку в формате пдф, до этого сто раз грузил выписку в пдф и никаких возражений не было
Proof of address- rejected we need offical document showing stap as well
Make sure that the document is not older than 3 months with the date of issuing clearly stated and all four corners of the document are visible. Full name, address, date, and issuer's logo must be visible on the document.
*Accepted documents: *
Bank statement
Utility bill (gas water or landline),
Tax assessment
Mortgage statement
Certificate of voter registration
Correspondence with a government authority regarding the receipt of benefits such as a pension, unemployment benefits, housing benefits, etc.
Make sure that the document is not older than 3 months with the date of issuing clearly stated and all four corners of the document are visible. Full name, address, date, and issuer's logo must be visible on the document.
*Accepted documents: *
Bank statement
Utility bill (gas water or landline),
Tax assessment
Mortgage statement
Certificate of voter registration
Correspondence with a government authority regarding the receipt of benefits such as a pension, unemployment benefits, housing benefits, etc.