Халявные NFT, легкий абуз (Общая тема) №2

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Вопросик по войдам, не дохуя ли они ВЛ то решили раздать, всем кто 5+ рефов оформит... В их краях про абуз не слышали?
Кто-нибудь чекал, там ВЛ даёт халяву, или мне придётся плОтить за Посредник? В анонсах не нашёл ответа.
Вопросик по войдам, не дохуя ли они ВЛ то решили раздать, всем кто 5+ рефов оформит... В их краях про абуз не слышали?
Кто-нибудь чекал, там ВЛ даёт халяву, или мне придётся плОтить за Посредник? В анонсах не нашёл ответа.
скорее всего придется
  • Sad
Реакции: lootofmoney
Вопросик по войдам, не дохуя ли они ВЛ то решили раздать, всем кто 5+ рефов оформит... В их краях про абуз не слышали?
Кто-нибудь чекал, там ВЛ даёт халяву, или мне придётся плОтить за Посредник? В анонсах не нашёл ответа.
я думаю им
  • Haha
Реакции: lootofmoney
Вопросик по войдам, не дохуя ли они ВЛ то решили раздать, всем кто 5+ рефов оформит... В их краях про абуз не слышали?
Кто-нибудь чекал, там ВЛ даёт халяву, или мне придётся плОтить за Посредник? В анонсах не нашёл ответа.
Посредник платный будет, у админа спаршивал
  • Wow
  • Sad
Реакции: pampi и lootofmoney
Море у всех легло? или меня по железу начали уже банить
Посредник платный будет, у админа спаршивал
Эх, по ходу придётся плазу расчехлять. А она уже к тому времени будет 3.14 вакс стоить наверняка)
---------Двойное сообщение соединено: ---------
Море у всех легло? или меня по железу начали уже банить
У меня оно раз 10-15 в день падает стабильно. Помогает перезагруз, либо остыть, прям как с цпу на ваксе)
всё прикольно, коннект - пишет неправильная сеть.. полигон, бнб не катит, только эфир...это что, в эфире минт? если с оплатой комсы то я мимо :6:
Да, эфир
---------Двойное сообщение соединено: ---------
через этот сервис дискорды себе делал кто?
Да, эфир
---------Двойное сообщение соединено: ---------
через этот сервис дискорды себе делал кто?
Да, сервис гуд, не только для дискордов.
Только проблемка как и с любым другим, если будет запрос на вериф - это минус акк.
---------Двойное сообщение соединено: ---------
Крбон пассы. 2 и 3 число, по 43 продажи. 4 и 5 число по 15 продаж. 6 и 7 число по 2 продажи.


Цыганские фокусы или заговор?

Да, сервис гуд, не только для дискордов.
Только проблемка как и с любым другим, если будет запрос на вериф - это минус акк.
---------Двойное сообщение соединено: ---------
Крбон пассы. 2 и 3 число, по 43 продажи. 4 и 5 число по 15 продаж. 6 и 7 число по 2 продажи.

Посмотреть вложение 417254

Цыганские фокусы или заговор?

Посмотреть вложение 417255
Дак кто хотел уже купили. Щас может подтянутся кто ещё не знает о них. Если анонс хороший будет в Дискорде то начнутся продажи
Дак кто хотел уже купили. Щас может подтянутся кто ещё не знает о них. Если анонс хороший будет в Дискорде то начнутся продажи
Не, это всё понятно.
Я имел ввиду совпадение, каждые 2 дня одинаковое количество продаж. Такое стечение обстоятельств крайне забавно наблюдать)
через этот сервис дискорды себе делал кто?
У тебя после смс верки акки не отлетают? На чистый айпи не просит и потом живет, а если попросило телефон, то потом 50% что акк в баню.
Не, это всё понятно.
Я имел ввиду совпадение, каждые 2 дня одинаковое количество продаж. Такое стечение обстоятельств крайне забавно наблюдать)
Аа, ну это просто совпадение. Ну можно конечно везде найти заговор при желании 🤣
Дак кто хотел уже купили. Щас может подтянутся кто ещё не знает о них. Если анонс хороший будет в Дискорде то начнутся продажи
можно ссылку на Metapass Genesis(которые карбон(золото) безлим) я прост не сохр(или прост найти не могу)
Last week was extremely humbling as we released the first two Metapass editions!. Both editions were gone within hours, even with the rate-limiting. If you missed out, be sure to check the secondary markets or grab one of the Standard Metapass' releasing this week. @Jesse will be sharing more details about the timing of upcoming releases, so keep an eye on this channel. I want to share instead more information about what's to come. Metapass We released Metapass' because we wanted to make it easy for anyone to claim an NFT, especially those that were doing so for the first time. We also wanted to be environmentally conscious, so claiming a Metapass is equivalent to sending two emails. Carbon - Regular allocations of $ESPORT & $BYTE - Early access to buy an Arena - Participate in OneDAO formation - NFT airdrops - Much more! Gold - Regular allocation of $BYTE - Contribute to OneDAO - Airdrops Standard - Access to the esports metaverse Arenas Arenas are the equivalent of digital land in our metaverse. Owners can stake it on the site, which will unlock a whole new set of features where you can begin hosting your own experiences. For those of you that have been part of the community for years, you'll probably like to hear that the first experience unlocked will be fantasy esports! But let's take that one step further -- while your Arena is staked, you'll receive a share of all transactions on the site and in our marketplace. The longer your Arena is staked, the bigger the returns. Each Arena will be unique from one another, with the first series of 1,000 Arenas residing in the "Metropunk" district (Metropolis + Cyberpunk). Future districts to be announced in the coming week. If you've listened to our past Twitter Spaces, you've probably heard me talk about how I'm not a proponent of Play to Earn. What happens if you don't own an Arena? How will you participate? The barrier of entry is exceedingly high and requires a significant amount of grinding to receive any return. Instead, we're creating a new standard for participation in Web3. Stake to Play Using Fantasy Esports as an example: Instead of an entry fee or buy-in, all you'll need to do is stake $ESPORT. When you stake $ESPORT, you'll receive player card packs that you'll use to play in Fantasy Contests. The more staked, the higher the rarity of card packs that you'll earn. With web3 still being in its infancy, there's an endless amount of innovation that remains untapped. While there are a lot of known unknowns (web3 esports, adoption by traditional game publishers, nft utility), we have to be aware of the unknown unknowns. Things like regulation, security, transparency, etc. I believe we have the chance to indeed be at the forefront... the cutting edge of the web3 revolution. But it can't be led by a monolithic organization. The only way this truly works and puts us in a position to be the definitive metaverse of esports and gaming is through decentralized governance. That's why in addition to Tokens & NFTs, respectfully, the third piece of the puzzle is a DAO. OneDAO is how you can directly contribute and participate in the future of Esports One, with its own token budget. We will be holding the first town hall this week to discuss the different guilds, the mission of OneDAO, and our primary goals for the coming weeks. Right now, this is limited to Metapass Carbon owners, so be sure to check #✅・guild-roles if you are an owner. This makes it possible for anyone to participate and mutually share in the growth and success of the platform. There's so much more I want to share, but I don't want to overwhelm you all. We'll be going over this in further detail during this week's Twitter Spaces, so keep an eye out for the details. I've never been as excited as I am now about what's to come. While there is so much work to be done, I believe the foundation is in place to be the leaders in Web3.
Анонс у еспортс
Last week was extremely humbling as we released the first two Metapass editions!. Both editions were gone within hours, even with the rate-limiting. If you missed out, be sure to check the secondary markets or grab one of the Standard Metapass' releasing this week. @Jesse will be sharing more details about the timing of upcoming releases, so keep an eye on this channel. I want to share instead more information about what's to come. Metapass We released Metapass' because we wanted to make it easy for anyone to claim an NFT, especially those that were doing so for the first time. We also wanted to be environmentally conscious, so claiming a Metapass is equivalent to sending two emails. Carbon - Regular allocations of $ESPORT & $BYTE - Early access to buy an Arena - Participate in OneDAO formation - NFT airdrops - Much more! Gold - Regular allocation of $BYTE - Contribute to OneDAO - Airdrops Standard - Access to the esports metaverse Arenas Arenas are the equivalent of digital land in our metaverse. Owners can stake it on the site, which will unlock a whole new set of features where you can begin hosting your own experiences. For those of you that have been part of the community for years, you'll probably like to hear that the first experience unlocked will be fantasy esports! But let's take that one step further -- while your Arena is staked, you'll receive a share of all transactions on the site and in our marketplace. The longer your Arena is staked, the bigger the returns. Each Arena will be unique from one another, with the first series of 1,000 Arenas residing in the "Metropunk" district (Metropolis + Cyberpunk). Future districts to be announced in the coming week. If you've listened to our past Twitter Spaces, you've probably heard me talk about how I'm not a proponent of Play to Earn. What happens if you don't own an Arena? How will you participate? The barrier of entry is exceedingly high and requires a significant amount of grinding to receive any return. Instead, we're creating a new standard for participation in Web3. Stake to Play Using Fantasy Esports as an example: Instead of an entry fee or buy-in, all you'll need to do is stake $ESPORT. When you stake $ESPORT, you'll receive player card packs that you'll use to play in Fantasy Contests. The more staked, the higher the rarity of card packs that you'll earn. With web3 still being in its infancy, there's an endless amount of innovation that remains untapped. While there are a lot of known unknowns (web3 esports, adoption by traditional game publishers, nft utility), we have to be aware of the unknown unknowns. Things like regulation, security, transparency, etc. I believe we have the chance to indeed be at the forefront... the cutting edge of the web3 revolution. But it can't be led by a monolithic organization. The only way this truly works and puts us in a position to be the definitive metaverse of esports and gaming is through decentralized governance. That's why in addition to Tokens & NFTs, respectfully, the third piece of the puzzle is a DAO. OneDAO is how you can directly contribute and participate in the future of Esports One, with its own token budget. We will be holding the first town hall this week to discuss the different guilds, the mission of OneDAO, and our primary goals for the coming weeks. Right now, this is limited to Metapass Carbon owners, so be sure to check #✅・guild-roles if you are an owner. This makes it possible for anyone to participate and mutually share in the growth and success of the platform. There's so much more I want to share, but I don't want to overwhelm you all. We'll be going over this in further detail during this week's Twitter Spaces, so keep an eye out for the details. I've never been as excited as I am now about what's to come. While there is so much work to be done, I believe the foundation is in place to be the leaders in Web3.
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Реакции: VirtualCat
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