PUBGbot - бот для фарма монет

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Юзал офф.бота сегодня в 14:00 часик. Бана нет, надеюсь, что была волна банов, и за старые косяки уже не тронет
В правилах есть такой пунк 4. Где запрещается делать что-то что приводит людей в дискомфорт. Чисто юридически данный пункт подходит для бана т.к большинству не нравится что очень много ботов. Так что бан считаю законным. Либо пишите разрабам что не нарушаешь каких либо правил.
Да по сути любой такой пункт правил можно подогнать к любой ситуации, разбираться не хочу, ибо бесполезно
В правилах есть такой пунк 4. Где запрещается делать что-то что приводит людей в дискомфорт. Чисто юридически данный пункт подходит для бана т.к большинству не нравится что очень много ботов. Так что бан считаю законным. Либо пишите разрабам что не нарушаешь каких либо правил.
пиздец как притянуто,мб у меня вызывает дискомфорт тикрейт или пинг.
Так, спорим, что я больше всех лох
Бабки были в основном на учебу, поэтому жду лестных комментов :)

upd только на учебу, на че еще то блет
Забанили на 100 лет.Внукам отдашь аккаунт,если эта помойка не загнется,вероятность чего 90%
Всё, расходимся--Ссылка удалена--
там кейсики скоро новые, расчехляем свои фарм машины
  • Like +1
Реакции: Spasibo Spasibo
почему не всех забанили. вот что интересно.
Юзал офф.бота сегодня в 14:00 часик. Бана нет, надеюсь, что была волна банов, и за старые косяки уже не тронет
у меня ночью фармил, утром в 8 проверил, сломался из-за обновления, больше не включал. бан получил. так что не расслабляйся)
И получаем бан на 100 лет, кейсы заберет твой внук)
так это считай пенсионный капитал, вложи сейчас, чтобы спокойно жить в старости
---------Двойное сообщение соединено: ---------
почему не всех забанили. вот что интересно.
кто-то больше фармил, кто-то меньше)
всех не засечёшь
Hello Survivor,

Thank you for writing to PUBG Support.

It looks like you are seeing a restriction error message on the account.

We understand that this may be a very frustrating experience. However, please understand that a restriction is placed because we have determined that there was a violation of our terms and services.

Please note that even without having any programs specifically for “hacking/cheating” there are other programs or actions that can violate our Rules of Conduct and cause a permanent restriction.

- Software that bypasses the services in the game
- Programs that alter the game in any way (even if it is not for cheating)
- Cheats, macros, etc. for other games and not for PUBG is still a violation of the game’s services
Having purchases, low KPD, short gameplay time, etc. does not exclude any accounts from restrictions.

We can assure you that the account was blocked because there was a violation discovered on the account. We apologize but we cannot provide any specifics on the details of the violation.

We have also implemented a 24 hour investigation period to ensure that there are no false bans. Therefore, we do not accept any requests for rechecking account restrictions. However, we also constantly check our systems for false bans and if found, we correct any issues internally.

We ask for your understanding of this situation.

We will continue our work to make sure that no erroneous restrictions are made and continue creating a fair gaming environment for all BATTLEGROUNDS players.

Ответ сапорта пабга
Жаль что нельзя удалить игру с акка, и что бы вак убрали :D
Hello Survivor,

Thank you for writing to PUBG Support.

It looks like you are seeing a restriction error message on the account.

We understand that this may be a very frustrating experience. However, please understand that a restriction is placed because we have determined that there was a violation of our terms and services.

Please note that even without having any programs specifically for “hacking/cheating” there are other programs or actions that can violate our Rules of Conduct and cause a permanent restriction.

- Software that bypasses the services in the game
- Programs that alter the game in any way (even if it is not for cheating)
- Cheats, macros, etc. for other games and not for PUBG is still a violation of the game’s services
Having purchases, low KPD, short gameplay time, etc. does not exclude any accounts from restrictions.

We can assure you that the account was blocked because there was a violation discovered on the account. We apologize but we cannot provide any specifics on the details of the violation.

We have also implemented a 24 hour investigation period to ensure that there are no false bans. Therefore, we do not accept any requests for rechecking account restrictions. However, we also constantly check our systems for false bans and if found, we correct any issues internally.

We ask for your understanding of this situation.

We will continue our work to make sure that no erroneous restrictions are made and continue creating a fair gaming environment for all BATTLEGROUNDS players.

Ответ сапорта пабга
байкотируем пабг, заставим их вернуть афк фарм в массы!
играть в это говно нереально, пусть хотя бы зарабатывать на нём дадут
Hello Survivor,

Thank you for writing to PUBG Support.

It looks like you are seeing a restriction error message on the account.

We understand that this may be a very frustrating experience. However, please understand that a restriction is placed because we have determined that there was a violation of our terms and services.

Please note that even without having any programs specifically for “hacking/cheating” there are other programs or actions that can violate our Rules of Conduct and cause a permanent restriction.

- Software that bypasses the services in the game
- Programs that alter the game in any way (even if it is not for cheating)
- Cheats, macros, etc. for other games and not for PUBG is still a violation of the game’s services
Having purchases, low KPD, short gameplay time, etc. does not exclude any accounts from restrictions.

We can assure you that the account was blocked because there was a violation discovered on the account. We apologize but we cannot provide any specifics on the details of the violation.

We have also implemented a 24 hour investigation period to ensure that there are no false bans. Therefore, we do not accept any requests for rechecking account restrictions. However, we also constantly check our systems for false bans and if found, we correct any issues internally.

We ask for your understanding of this situation.

We will continue our work to make sure that no erroneous restrictions are made and continue creating a fair gaming environment for all BATTLEGROUNDS players.

Ответ сапорта пабга

На каком языке обращался в поддержку?
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