Халявные NFT, легкий абуз (Общая тема) №2

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Скрытое содержимое для пользователей: pampi

Кстати, а что там по условиям то с пассами? Надо по аккам кидать или можно с одного набрать?
еще не отписались чаппи, и барсик
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Кстати, а что там по условиям то с пассами? Надо по аккам кидать или можно с одного набрать?
5 боксов на акк
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Реакции: Pit
Я думаю у нас половина пассов сейчас все кто отписался у нас 95 пассов
думаю до 200 скорее всего дотянем.
Hey everyone, Chris here, Co-Founder of FGL. First, I wanted to say thanks for all of the feedback! We are definitely listening. In fact, we are extremely happy to see so much interest and passion for our project! I wanted to give some background on our "grand vision" and I hope that will help explain why we've made some of our decisions (for example, our pricing decision for our first drop). Note that I'm not saying that it means we are "right" in our decision, but at least it will show why we think it is the best choice. Some background: FGL is a well respected company that has been in the game industry for over 15 years. We have worked in multiple spaces and helped games be successful on the web, on mobile, on PC, and even on smart TVs. Now, we want to bring that expertise to this new, exciting space. So, we're not here to make a quick buck. We have a reputation to maintain. And we are excited about what we can bring to this community. And, since that's the case, that means we're thinking of the long term. Our whole vision with the FGL Token is that it will work across many games. If you earn tokens in one game, you can use those tokens in another game. If you buy FGL Tokens on the market - you'll be able to use those tokens on any game we have AND any game we release in the future. So our vision is bigger than one game. But... you have to start with one game.
We understand that the pricing for our Cosmic Clash drop might seem high because it's a newly released project - but for us it's just the start of something huge. We totally understand anyone who decides not to participate. But for those who do decide to buy a pack - you will be deciding to be a part of a long term vision. So, if your goal is to buy packs for 50 WAX and flip them for 150 WAX days later, then our games are probably not for you. And that's fine. We don't judge anyone who does that. But, we're building something bigger than that. As for Cosmic Clash specifically: we also want to be transparent. This is our first game. It is the first release of our first game. So, our goal is to improve on it. Any ships you purchase for this first release will work in any future releases we have planned. There are some really fun battle aspects, but our main focus was on the "earn" part of the game. We hope to expand on that, and anyone who purchases a pack gets to be a part of that journey. Not to mention that since this is our first game it will be the only way to "earn" FGL Tokens. Again, this is only valuable if you believe in our long term vision, but that's exactly our aim. But, we're also not perfect. We might make mistakes. We're OK with that. But if we do, we'll make sure to do better next time. We truly appreciate all of your interest and feedback. Please keep it coming! We'll keep listening to the community and try to make the best games for Play to Earn, NFTs, and crypto.
  • Haha
Реакции: BigSmoke
Тут есть предложение запампить цену.
еще не отписались чаппи, и барсик
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5 боксов на акк
А, понял. Изначально прочитал, что по 5 боксов за один пропуск. Теперь осталось подумать, дарить ли пацанам такое бабло или нет))
Там какой-то флиппер продаёт море пассов по 69 ваксов
ну до 37$ мы запросто протолкнём а че дальше делать будем :derpstare:
Hey everyone, Chris here, Co-Founder of FGL. First, I wanted to say thanks for all of the feedback! We are definitely listening. In fact, we are extremely happy to see so much interest and passion for our project! I wanted to give some background on our "grand vision" and I hope that will help explain why we've made some of our decisions (for example, our pricing decision for our first drop). Note that I'm not saying that it means we are "right" in our decision, but at least it will show why we think it is the best choice. Some background: FGL is a well respected company that has been in the game industry for over 15 years. We have worked in multiple spaces and helped games be successful on the web, on mobile, on PC, and even on smart TVs. Now, we want to bring that expertise to this new, exciting space. So, we're not here to make a quick buck. We have a reputation to maintain. And we are excited about what we can bring to this community. And, since that's the case, that means we're thinking of the long term. Our whole vision with the FGL Token is that it will work across many games. If you earn tokens in one game, you can use those tokens in another game. If you buy FGL Tokens on the market - you'll be able to use those tokens on any game we have AND any game we release in the future. So our vision is bigger than one game. But... you have to start with one game.
We understand that the pricing for our Cosmic Clash drop might seem high because it's a newly released project - but for us it's just the start of something huge. We totally understand anyone who decides not to participate. But for those who do decide to buy a pack - you will be deciding to be a part of a long term vision. So, if your goal is to buy packs for 50 WAX and flip them for 150 WAX days later, then our games are probably not for you. And that's fine. We don't judge anyone who does that. But, we're building something bigger than that. As for Cosmic Clash specifically: we also want to be transparent. This is our first game. It is the first release of our first game. So, our goal is to improve on it. Any ships you purchase for this first release will work in any future releases we have planned. There are some really fun battle aspects, but our main focus was on the "earn" part of the game. We hope to expand on that, and anyone who purchases a pack gets to be a part of that journey. Not to mention that since this is our first game it will be the only way to "earn" FGL Tokens. Again, this is only valuable if you believe in our long term vision, but that's exactly our aim. But, we're also not perfect. We might make mistakes. We're OK with that. But if we do, we'll make sure to do better next time. We truly appreciate all of your interest and feedback. Please keep it coming! We'll keep listening to the community and try to make the best games for Play to Earn, NFTs, and crypto.
сейчас я ему отвечу.
вопрос такой этот пасс стоит щас откупить(постараюсь наскребсти на минималку) или вы о чем?))
Hey everyone, Chris here, Co-Founder of FGL. First, I wanted to say thanks for all of the feedback! We are definitely listening. In fact, we are extremely happy to see so much interest and passion for our project! I wanted to give some background on our "grand vision" and I hope that will help explain why we've made some of our decisions (for example, our pricing decision for our first drop). Note that I'm not saying that it means we are "right" in our decision, but at least it will show why we think it is the best choice. Some background: FGL is a well respected company that has been in the game industry for over 15 years. We have worked in multiple spaces and helped games be successful on the web, on mobile, on PC, and even on smart TVs. Now, we want to bring that expertise to this new, exciting space. So, we're not here to make a quick buck. We have a reputation to maintain. And we are excited about what we can bring to this community. And, since that's the case, that means we're thinking of the long term. Our whole vision with the FGL Token is that it will work across many games. If you earn tokens in one game, you can use those tokens in another game. If you buy FGL Tokens on the market - you'll be able to use those tokens on any game we have AND any game we release in the future. So our vision is bigger than one game. But... you have to start with one game.
We understand that the pricing for our Cosmic Clash drop might seem high because it's a newly released project - but for us it's just the start of something huge. We totally understand anyone who decides not to participate. But for those who do decide to buy a pack - you will be deciding to be a part of a long term vision. So, if your goal is to buy packs for 50 WAX and flip them for 150 WAX days later, then our games are probably not for you. And that's fine. We don't judge anyone who does that. But, we're building something bigger than that. As for Cosmic Clash specifically: we also want to be transparent. This is our first game. It is the first release of our first game. So, our goal is to improve on it. Any ships you purchase for this first release will work in any future releases we have planned. There are some really fun battle aspects, but our main focus was on the "earn" part of the game. We hope to expand on that, and anyone who purchases a pack gets to be a part of that journey. Not to mention that since this is our first game it will be the only way to "earn" FGL Tokens. Again, this is only valuable if you believe in our long term vision, but that's exactly our aim. But, we're also not perfect. We might make mistakes. We're OK with that. But if we do, we'll make sure to do better next time. We truly appreciate all of your interest and feedback. Please keep it coming! We'll keep listening to the community and try to make the best games for Play to Earn, NFTs, and crypto.
корабли с первого дропа будут актуальны в будущих сезонах - вроде красиво стелит
  • Haha
Реакции: Tayga и egor3737
вопрос такой этот пасс стоит щас откупить(постараюсь наскребсти на минималку) или вы о чем?))
Если есть смысл у меня есть 61 вакс и я б вклинился, если подкинет кто чуток, верну как пополню баланс
корабли с первого дропа будут актуальны в будущих сезонах - вроде красиво стелит
Да все хорошо Кроме одного, то по окупаемости.
Мы готовы инвестировать скажите какая окупаемость. А затирать про репутацию и геймплей игра это все классно конечно но речь о деньгах.
Заработка 0, монеты льют тоннами + зарабатывать их можно, но если за монеты нельзя купить корабли и играть то какой заработок то? Кому продавать монеты?
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Реакции: Tayga
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