@SpaceStalkerhttps://www.steamgifts.com/user/SpaceStalker а кто знает его на Мипеде? дайте профиль)
о спасибо! а то 2 чела с розыгрыша пропали(
Бяда-пичаль. Жирный Гейб не даст покупать дешёвые бандлы, если стоимость игр в них дешевле 50 центов (т.е. дешевле ~30 рублей). Вот жеж пидр.
Steam bundles are now set to a 50 cents minimum price
According to the info that got posted in the Steamworks Development group:
" Enforcing average price minimum As we do with individual games, we have a minimum price for bundles to cover base transaction costs. This minimum wasn’t enforced until now, so it could be that some bundles that were previously visible and purchasable are no longer available to customers at their current price. As detailed in the Steam Bundles documentation, bundles will appear to customers in a currency as long as the average price per item in a bundle is at least the equivalent of $0.50. If the average price per item in the bundle is lower than that (due to discounting of individual items, the discount applied to the bundle, or due to a specific currency being much cheaper) the bundle will not be visible to customers in that currency. Information about which countries your bundle is visible in will be shown on your bundle administration page. "
Бяда-пичаль. Жирный Гейб не даст покупать дешёвые бандлы, если стоимость игр в них дешевле 50 центов (т.е. дешевле ~30 рублей). Вот жеж пидр.
Steam bundles are now set to a 50 cents minimum price
According to the info that got posted in the Steamworks Development group:
" Enforcing average price minimum As we do with individual games, we have a minimum price for bundles to cover base transaction costs. This minimum wasn’t enforced until now, so it could be that some bundles that were previously visible and purchasable are no longer available to customers at their current price. As detailed in the Steam Bundles documentation, bundles will appear to customers in a currency as long as the average price per item in a bundle is at least the equivalent of $0.50. If the average price per item in the bundle is lower than that (due to discounting of individual items, the discount applied to the bundle, or due to a specific currency being much cheaper) the bundle will not be visible to customers in that currency. Information about which countries your bundle is visible in will be shown on your bundle administration page. "
Бяда-пичаль. Жирный Гейб не даст покупать дешёвые бандлы, если стоимость игр в них дешевле 50 центов (т.е. дешевле ~30 рублей). Вот жеж пидр.
Steam bundles are now set to a 50 cents minimum price
According to the info that got posted in the Steamworks Development group:
" Enforcing average price minimum As we do with individual games, we have a minimum price for bundles to cover base transaction costs. This minimum wasn’t enforced until now, so it could be that some bundles that were previously visible and purchasable are no longer available to customers at their current price. As detailed in the Steam Bundles documentation, bundles will appear to customers in a currency as long as the average price per item in a bundle is at least the equivalent of $0.50. If the average price per item in the bundle is lower than that (due to discounting of individual items, the discount applied to the bundle, or due to a specific currency being much cheaper) the bundle will not be visible to customers in that currency. Information about which countries your bundle is visible in will be shown on your bundle administration page. "
Не вымрет, будет чаще раздаваться на глимеИм же хуже, всё индиговно просто вымрет в стиме сиеминутно, т.к. никто его кроме как за копейки не покупал.
Если его совсем никто не будет покупать, то нечего будет и раздавать, таки в маркетинге секу маленечко.Не вымрет, будет чаще раздаваться на глиме
Не думаю, скорее всего установят и минимальную цену на единицу игры, судя из описания, т.к. из англоязычного варианта: "транзакционные издержки для нас превышают прибыль, а посему идите найух потребители халявы"Бля, вот времечко придёт - все будут покупать бандлы из 150 игр за 32 рубля.
Новое поколение игр)) а раньше опыт и навык был нужен в тетрисе и ловле яиц или бабочек))Чувак дело говорит:
Причём таки не только говна от варгеев касается, а большинства последних игр, включая и контру, т.к. большинство переизданий игр ориентировано на овощей, неспособных логически мыслить и рассчитывать свои действия и силы в игре.
В последенее время уже даже не интересно играть в новые игры, т.к. там правит рандом и везение, а не опыт и навыки.