Король флуда
- Дней с нами
- 2.353
- Розыгрыши
- 0
- Сообщения
- 536
- Репутация
- 3
- Реакции
- 592
Що за фігня? Двома різними картками , чек на 20 баксів
Payment Failed
We couldn't process this payment for security reasons. Error code: CSC_7200026. Please try another card or payment method.
Step 1. Click the "Submit appeal" button.
Step 2. Look for the appeal result in email - we will send it to you within 1 working days.
Step 3. If your appeal is approved, you can pay for your order again in Account > Orders > Unpaid.
Note: You won't be charged for this unpaid order so no need to cancel it.Need help? Click for customer service.