Раздача купонов и ключей Steam (Общая тема)

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...Вот это поворот!Почему это знали все, кроме меня?
(Я, конечно, тот ещё хикан...но это что-то вообще пздц)
Без понятий что там за Паша, но остальные ниче так рабы
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Реакции: GoodNews


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-репните его , у меня лимит :/
Новости Steamgifts

Two-Way Blacklists

Hi SG, we just rolled out an update to the way blacklists work, and I wanted to create a quick announcement to explain the difference. Previously, if you blacklisted a user, they would not be able to enter your giveaways, or see them on the homepage. Now, there is one addition: If you blacklist a user, you will also not be able to enter their giveaways, or see them on the homepage.

There are two reasons for the change...

  1. It's more fair to giveaway creators, and it prevents users from quietly blacklisting a giveaway creator, while continuing to enter their giveaways.
  2. It will encourage users to put more thought into their reason for blacklisting another user, and it should discourage blacklisting over minor grievances.
This might leave you wondering, is there anything preventing you from unblacklisting a user, entering their giveaways, and then blacklisting them again? Yes. When unblacklisting a user, there is a delay between one second and one day until you once again see their giveaways on the homepage, and have access to entering them. If you try to directly open their giveaways sooner, you will see an error, such as "You do not have permission to view this giveaway for another 35 minutes, since you previously blacklisted the giveaway creator.". The length of the delay is proportional to the amount of time you had the user blacklisted (i.e. if you blacklisted a user for 5 hours, you'll need to wait 5 hours after unblacklisting the user), up to the maximum of one day.

DLC Filter
A simple DLC filter has been added to the homepage. If you use the link below, the homepage will be filtered to only show DLC. If you use your giveaway settings and hide DLC when you're missing the base game, then the below link will just show DLC for games you own. You can combine this with the other filters that have been previously added to the site.

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Реакции: Alexey9, Simvol и KENZI
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