Проверено Куплю |Port 25 open clouds| AWS SES 50K |Azure | Linode | Vultr | Digital Ocean|Google cloud |Atlantic | Scaleway |Oracle

Продал Hetzner- оплата получена. ТС супер, рекомендую👍👍👍👍
Hello, answer me in Telegram please, my nickname @king20456

Продал гугл клауд, все быстро
сдал aws 32 cpu и google cloud, быстро получил оплату, рекомендую!
Между приветствием и оплатой прошло 9 минут. Рекомендую
Отличный покупатель.Весь процесс сделки от приветствия до оплаты занял буквально 15 минут.

Все хорошо, быстро сработались
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Реакции: Rock0007
AWS SES 50K Limit-20000 Rub

Azure (1 days old with vm) -300 rub

AWS 32vcpu - 250 rub

Atlantic cloud - 500 Rub

Hetzner (Ukraine not need) -300rub

Digital ocean port 25 open-650 ruble

Linode without port fresh account-350 rub

Linode Port 25 open-2000 Rub

Scaleway-550 rub

Payment method- Btc, Usdt, Qiwi, Private 24, yomoney, perfect money

Telegram - @ miller0007
Name - James miller on telegram

Telegram link- https://t.me/miller0007
Отличный скуп)
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Реакции: Rock0007
Azure-350 Ruble (not need Ukraine Account)
Azure( 2 Days old with Virtual machin Run)
Update after registering in Pay as you use green arrow at the left top and choose basic support Plan then start a virtual machine and rest the account 1 day if subsription still active the i will buy, use 1 CARD and 1 phone number = 1 ACCOUNT - Do not make duplicates. If you make a lot of Accounts, change Browsers + vpn or proxy (USE real card if possible they have long life)

Amazon SES 5-10-50K limit -We will Discuss price On Telegram

AmazonEC2 (Port 25 Open)- We will Discuss price

Linode ( Port 25 close \ Standard account ) - (350 Ruble)
Port 25 open (If they ask rdns) -1200 Ruble
Port 25 open complete - 1600 Ruble
Manual; - search on google <linode> then click on 100$ credit link then make a standard account ,You need good card with 1$
For Port 25 open- First start a small server in cenots7 and then open support ticket)

Vultr ( Port 25 Open )- (1200 Ruble)
Vultr without port (simple account)-250 ruble
(First start 1-2 server then open support ticket for Port 25 open)

Atlantic Cloud - 500 Ruble
For registration Physical Card + Documents upon request. After Registration, the account is checked for about 1 hour - How will it enter into the account then it is ready. 1 CARD = 1 ACCOUNT - Do not make duplicates. 1-2 $ They will also withdraw and return in 1-3 days.

Google cloud ( Ukraine Account not need) -(450 Ruble)

Digital Ocean (port 25 open)(Uzbekistan/Kazakhstan/kyrgyzstan/
Belarus/USA)- (550 Ruble)

Ramnode cloud - 10$ (700 ruble)
For verification add 3$ from your card then, make 1-2 server, then you need a passport next to a handwritten note with the inscription "Ramnode" and today date,send this passport in support ticket

Scaleway Cloud - 550 rubles -
account with verification via support - for verification they require a selfie with a document to whom they registered and a dock from page 1 and registration where the passport number is visible I also need + a phone number can make a call . Create 1-3 servers and wait for the Account blocking while they themselves request Verification, usually in tech. day everything is done . Registration - linking a card - verification on a selfie with a dock - linking a phone number is all during registration. 1 Documents = 1 Registration is not necessary for 1 documents 2-3-4 accounts

Mailgun and Sendgrid (100K Limit) SMTP account Also need

Payment method - QIWI , USDT , BTC , Yomoney, Private24 , perfect money

{ Before Contact me Please Check my original Telegram ID }
My Telegram @miller0007
LAN Telegram Link >> https://t.me/miller0007
Name - James miller on telegram

Be carefull->>

telegram id miller00077 ,millef0007
This is not my id
Продал Линод всё ок оплатил на карту. Продавал без гаранта всё быстро и цена хорошая . Буду сотрудничать. Рекомендую
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Реакции: ARMLEGENDSFF и Rock0007
какой то непонятный. отвечает раз в месяц и пишет по английски, что ему азуры нужны. больше не отвечает
I need digital ocean account port 25 open
Scaleway was sold, received payment for 4 minutes, I recommend everyone to cooperate, we work further
Everything went fine, I had to wait a bit, but this is my mistake. Money throws a bullet))))

Все прошло отлично, пришлось немного подождать но это моя ошибка. Деньги кидает пулей))))



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Продал Scaleway оплата получена , всё огонь!!!


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