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1. Open the brackets translating Russian words into English in proper forms so as to use the Complex Subject.

In old times skim milk (как полагали) to be used only as animal feed.

Kefir and yogurt (безусловно) to be the most popular dairy cultured beverages in Russia nowadays.

Milk (как известно) to coagulate due to bacterial activity.

Cultured dairy products (по - видимому) to have been known for thousands of years.

Mazzoni (как сообщают) to remain more popular in Georgia than any other dairy cultured beverage.

Sundae-style yogurt (как считают) to cause fewer problems than Swiss-style one.

      1. Open the brackets using the verbs in proper forms of Conditionals II and III.
If the farmer (to be) more economical, he would process the whey in any way.

The growth of acid-forming bacteria (to inhibit) if antibiotics were added.

If man (not to domesticate) mammals, he could not have started making cheese.

If the cream (to transport) under due conditions, it would not have soured.

If the incomes of population had not fallen dramatically in the late 1990s, butter consumption (not to decrease).

3. Fill in can, may, be able, must, should, ought, have to, be to in the appropriate form.

Milk ices ... have first been made in the Far East.

Ice cream ... not become widespread product before mechanical refrigeration came into being.

Rather warm climate with long hot summers on the major part of the US territory ... have stimulated the development of frozen desserts in the country.

For dietetic reasons, low-fat products... to be substituted for products made of whole milk and cream.

Russian manufacturers ... develop diabetic frozen desserts as the latter are practically absent at the Russian market. .

Dairy products... provide a lot of essential nutrients for man. .

The patient asked the doctor if he ... eat products containing sugar or if he ... still keep to the sugar-free diet.

4.Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate form, add prepositions where necessary.

Milk evaporation (to use) for hundreds of years and still (to remain) one of the most effective methods (to preserve) milk.

If water (to remove) from milk it (can) (to store) for longer periods.

One of the shops in the factory (not to work) now, new equipment (to install).

Man (to start) (to use) additives to frozen desserts very early in history.

Since modern methods (topreserve) milk (to develop) food industry to a great extent (to give up) (to use) fresh milk.

In the 20lh century ice cream (to become) one of the most popular desserts all over the world.

5. Choose the correct form of participle I and translate.

(Being added/Having added) to children’s diet, milk enhances their growth both in height and weight.

(Using/Having been used) skim milk instead of whole milk, researchers obtained the same growth in height increase.

(Having lost/Being lost) regularly from the body, skeletal calcium has to be compensated.

(Being contained/Containing) the most favourable calcium/phosphorus ratio, milk is considered the best nutritional source of calcium.

(Having processed/Having been processed) milk is turned into a great number of tasty and useful dairy products.
  1. Replace the clauses in italics by constructions with the appropriate form of participle I, making necessary changes in the principle clause and translate.
After milk has curdled, it is separated into liquid and solid phases.

If a man was breast-fed in infancy, he does much better at school and university.

After man found milk to be valuable food, he domesticated mammals.

Skim milk has recently started being used for the manufacture of a lot of dairy products, it has acquired greater importance than before.

When infants are fed mother's milk, they are healthier and develop better.
