Only today 700RUB google cloud and more trial accounts


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I HAVE A LOT OF REVIEWS TG: @nayosagency
Google Cloud Trial ONLY TODAY 700RUB
Daily Quota :
3 Google Cloud Trial
* NO BINDING (email and phone).
* 1-2 days old Google Cloud Trial is more preferred but less also welcome (at least 12 hours old).
* Google Cloud Trial must have $300USD or 21408RUB balance
* 24-hour guarantee if account get suspended (rare case)
AWS Free Tier 150RUB
Daily quota
: 5 AWS Free Tier
* Only working (not blocked) AWS Free Tier older than 1 day is accepted.
* Email access to AWS Free Tier account must be given
* 24-hour guarantee if account get suspended (rare case)

OVH Public Cloud Trial 75RUB
Daily Quota :
5 OVH Public Cloud
How to Make :
1. When registering use, put your email in the field to create account and then choose WORLD on the next form
2. Create project and don't forget to use code DEALS07 to get the trial credits (until 20 July 2021)
3. Card must have $1 balance for authorization (refunded in seconds)
* Only working (not blocked) OVH Public Cloud older than 1 day is accepted.
* Email access to OVH Public Cloud account must be given
* 24-hour guarantee if account get suspended (rare case)

Yandex Cloud Trial 75RUB.
Daily quota
: 10 Yandex Cloud Trial
* Only working (not blocked) Yandex Cloud Trial older than 1 day is accepted.
* Yandex Cloud Trial must have 4000 rubles in balance.
* 24-hour guarantee if account get suspended (rare case)

Rules :
- Account verification first, then money, if the account does not meet my criteria, you can take back your account.
- If you need a guarantor, the guarantor will be paid at your expense. You also need to create a topic in order to conclude a deal with the guarantor.
(Attention! Pseudo-guarantors-scammers: do not waste your time)
- Daily quota can change any time. Be sure to ask me first at TG to see if I'm still accepting.
- PRICE can be change anytime with update to the thread
- If you have any questions, please contact me via TG
- Payment ADVCASH / QIWI

Q : Why there is Daily Quota ?
A : Daily Quota
means MAX MONEY I can pay for the accounts, for example 3 Google Cloud Daily Quota means I only had 1500RUB daily for Google Cloud
Q : Will Daily Quota Increase ?
A : Yes, when I have more money to spend I will increase the Daily Quota by updating the thread
Q : Will you change the account password ?
A : Yes, AFTER i'm PAYING the account

У настоящего буржуя nayo, который покупает облачные аккаунты логин в телеге - @nayoagency

А тс обычный скамер 🥸
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Реакции: nayos и Akkforhum
У настоящего буржуя nayo, который покупает облачные аккаунты логин в телеге - @nayoagency

А тс обычный скамер 🥸
Why are you spreading fake information?
Хм, теперь такой ход, интересненько, закосить под иностранца, угарно
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Реакции: Akkforhum
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Реакции: Akkforhum
lol trying to fake me ?
Да забейти, это все тот же школьничек который нон стопом тут мульты клепает и хостит одну и туже тему
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Реакции: blackru
The real bourgeois nayo, who buys cloud accounts, has a login in the cart - @nayoagency

And mc is an ordinary scammer 🥸
he is a fake one, I had opened buy thread on lolz and it's seem he trying to scam people using my identity, my tg is @nayoagency not @nayosagency
---------Двойное сообщение соединено: ---------

Well, yes, this is his topic, if you follow his link to the cart, then the cart that you indicated does not open in any way 😂
not his topic but my topic, I'm the owner of that thread
this guy trying to fake my identity by faking my tele
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Реакции: Akkforhum и blackru