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Q: I'm getting error: Unable to login to Steam: InvalidPassword or RateLimitExceeded

A: This error can mean a lot of things, some of them include:

  • Invalid Login/Password combination (obviously)
  • Expired login key used by ASF for logging in
  • Too many failed login attempts in short period of time (anti-bruteforce)
  • Too many login attempts in short period of time (rate-limiting)
  • Requirement of captcha to log in (very likely to be caused by two reasons above)
  • Any other reason Steam Network might have preventing you from logging in.
In case of anti-bruteforce and rate-limiting, problem will disappear after some time, so just wait and don't attempt to log in in the meantime. If you hit that issue frequently, perhaps it's wise to increase LoginLimiterDelay config property of ASF. Excessive program restarts and other intentional/non-intentional login requests definitely won't help with that issue, so try to avoid it if possible.

In case of expired login key - ASF will remove old one and ask for new one on next login (which will require from you putting 2FA token if your account is 2FA-protected. If your account is using ASF 2FA, token will be generated and used automatically). If you get this issue often, it's possible that Steam for some reason decided to ignore our login key save requests, as mentioned in issue above.

And lastly, if you used wrong login + password combination, obviously you need to correct this, or disable bot that is attempting to connect using those credentials. ASF can't guess on its own whether InvalidPassword means invalid credentials, or any of the reasons listed above, therefore it'll keep trying until it succeeds.

Keep in mind that ASF has its own built-in system to react accordingly to steam quirks, eventually it will connect and resume it's job, therefore it's not required to do anything if the issue is temporary. Restarting ASF in order to magically fix problems will only make things worse (as new ASF won't know previous ASF state of not being able to log in, and try to connect instead of waiting), so avoid doing that unless you know what you're doing.

Finally, as with every Steam request - ASF can only try to log in, using your provided credentials. Whether that request will succeed or not is out of the scope and logic of ASF - there is no bug, and nothing can be fixed neither improved in this regard.
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Реакции: samir05
LoginLimiterDelay - byte type with default value of 10. Steam Network in general includes various rate-limiting of similar requests, therefore we must add some extra delay in order to avoid triggering that rate-limiting which would prevent us from interaction with the service. ASF will ensure that there will be at least LoginLimiterDelay seconds in between of two consecutive connection attempts. Default value of 10 was set based on connecting over 100 bot instances, and should satisfy most (if not all) of the users. You may however want to decrease it, or even change to 0 if you have very low amount of bots, so ASF will ignore the delay and connect to Steam much faster. Be warned though, as setting it too low while having too many bots will result in Steam temporarily banning your IP, and that will prevent you from logging in at all, with InvalidPassword/RateLimitExceeded error - and that also includes your normal Steam client, not only ASF. Unless you have a strong reason to edit this property, you should keep it at default.
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Реакции: samir05
скажите, а почему боты не заходят в чат группы и не отправляют мне нихуя, говорят, что я не их владелец, всё как раньше, а щас нихуя не отдают
скажите, а почему боты не заходят в чат группы и не отправляют мне нихуя, говорят, что я не их владелец, всё как раньше, а щас нихуя не отдают
Обычно прикладывают именно то, что пишут боты - так понятней
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Реакции: samir05
Просто слишком много попыток входы было, жди
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Реакции: samir05 и D1nneC4yd
скажите, а почему боты не заходят в чат группы и не отправляют мне нихуя, говорят, что я не их владелец, всё как раньше, а щас нихуя не отдают
Вероятно, у тебя эта проблема:
!loot request will always send items to the Master with lowest steam ID
Почитай про SteamUserPermissions здесь
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Реакции: samir05
поставь в конфиге асф задержку секунд 30
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Реакции: samir05
каждый раз этот тупой вопрос будут задавать?
скажите, а почему боты не заходят в чат группы и не отправляют мне нихуя, говорят, что я не их владелец, всё как раньше, а щас нихуя не отдают
Восстание ебаное
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Реакции: samir05